Periodontitis(Pyorrhoea): Causes and Symptoms

The inability of a person to keep his/her teeth & gums clean is the primary reason for developing Pyorrhoea /Periodontitis. This means the patient who doesn’t brush regularly or doesn’t do it properly, is at a very high risk of developing it. At the beginning stage of infection, the bacteria build up in plaque around the gums leading to bleeding from gums while brushing teeth. During this stage, no bone loss has occurred & the problem is reversible.

When the gum infection is untreated for a longer duration it can lead to periodontitis, which is an advanced stage of gum disease. At this stage, the pocket is developed around the tooth/teeth, leading to gum and bone loss. These pockets collect all the edible, sugary liquids, and make it more infected. The immune systems fight these bacteria by creating a plague around the gum line. During this process, the disease progresses making the pockets deeper and destroying the gum and bone tissue. The teeth are no longer attached to gum and can ultimately lead to tooth loss. 

The causes of Periodontitis disease are:

  • Poor oral hygiene

  • Plaque

  • Tartar

  • Gum disease

  • Smoking


  • Bleeding gum

  • Bad breath

  • Swollen and inflamed gums,

  • Pus oozing from the margins of teeth

  • Deep pockets

  • Receding gums

  • New spaces developing between your teeth etc

At this stage, the infection has spread to such an extent that periodontal surgery is required. This procedure involves detaching or lifting the gums in the affected area, enabling us to take a closure look. Once it has been detached scraping and cleaning are done, providing a clear view which means that the tartar can be removed. This surgery can prevent further bone loss, provided that you strictly follow proper brushing etiquette and techniques. If instructions are not followed there may be a risk of it developing again.

Only a Periodontist or Dental Surgeon can rectify the health of your gum. In case you don’t see any symptoms there can still be a possibility that you may have gum disease. Consults us to maintain healthy teeth and gum for a lifetime.

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