
Showing posts from November, 2021

Importance of Oral Hygiene

  Preventative dentistry is one of the best ways of maintaining oral hygiene. It not only improves your teeth but also eliminates the need for treatment. Moreover, the benefits of maintaining good dental health will resolve the potential gum problems that are linked to future cardiovascular health issues. So, are you following your dental health regime regularly? Visiting your respective dentist for routine checkups? Are you using fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash? If not, then you should. Because today's effort will add healthy benefits to your oral hygiene. It will enhance your ability to speak, eat, smile and show your emotions through facial expressions. Untreated Cavities Impacts from Childhood Untreated cavities create a negative impact on the child’s health. Your child not only suffers from pain but also starts losing his confidence in public. This can impair their growth and worsen the dental hygiene ultimately resting over expensive treatments. However oral hygiene is not

Sugar and Dental Health : Guide for a Healthy Mouth

  Do you know your oral health widely depends on what and how much you eat?  Your mouth is full of bacteria – some are beneficial while others are harmful. And, surprisingly these harmful bacteria are a result of sugary food consumption.  It creates acid in your mouth which further damages your tooth enamel and that’s how you lose the shine from your teeth.  It Causes Tooth Decay  Consuming high sugary snacks and drinks often leads to cavities. These drinks have a high proportion of acids that can cause tooth decay and create a negative impact on your beautiful smile.  Moreover, according to research, drinking a sugary drink more than twice daily will increase the chances of tooth loss. So be mindful of your sugar consumption.  Eating Sticky Foods  Sticky foods have the highest proportion of sugar. It includes candies, lollipops, breath mints, and many others. Sticky foods retain in your mouth for a longer period and thus it becomes hard to dissolve the sugar.  Along with that, process