
Showing posts from August, 2021

How does a Root canal treatment save your tooth?

  Has your tooth ever been chipped, cracked, decayed or damaged? You are not alone. Millions of teeth are treated and saved from extraction through root canal treatment. It is the last line of defense when it comes to saving a tooth that has been severely damaged by tooth decay. Root canal has always been the treatment of choice, when you develop a severe infection involving your natural tooth’s pulp. When the tooth begins to decay, root canal treatment helps by removing the inflamed /infected interior of the tooth. While performing this procedure , the professional dentist will thoroughly clean and disinfect the root canal  of your tooth. He will apply medication to address the infection and seal the tooth with a rubber-like material. A crown is often used to protect the newly repaired tooth. This entire process takes almost an hour and patients aren’t allowed to chew for a few days until the tooth gets completely healed. So if you are somehow ignoring dental hygiene, your tooth migh

7 Reasons behind Bleeding Gums

  Have you ever noticed bleeding gums when you floss or brush your teeth? This is something serious when you notice a little pink in the sink after brushing your teeth. But do you know what the causes of bleeding gums are? Gingivitis Do you know Gingivitis is the first stage of gum disease? This happens mainly when plaque builds up at the gumline. And if it isn’t removed then eventually you may suffer from inflamed gums where gums bleed, become tender and swollen while brushing. Visit a specialist at an early stage or else it may lead to tooth loss in adults.       2.   Brushing too hard Bleeding Gums may happen when you brush your teeth too hard. Remember that vigorous brushing or flossing won’t keep your teeth clean and better. It will develop the risk of bleeding gums and gum recession. Therefore use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gently brush your teeth instead of applying excess force or extreme pressure.      3.    Poor Diet You won’t believe it, but your diet has to do more wit

Why and when are Dental Sealants suggested?

  Prevention is better than cure, any day. Similarly, Preventive dentistry is always better than restorative dentistry! Dental sealants or pit and fissure sealants are the heroes of preventive dentistry. In most cases when you get decayed, you get a dentist to do a filling for you. However, fillings are considered restorative applications. A filling is used to repair the damage that has already occurred in the tooth, usually from dental decay. Once a decayed spot is discovered, a preventative filling cannot be placed. Both dental fillings and dental sealants are being used by a dentist to treat the teeth. But, a sealant can be used only if your tooth structure has not been compromised, in the first place.  Sealants, on the other hand, are preventive. These sealants allow your tooth structure to remain intact and to keep your teeth as strong as possible. Dental sealants are thin coatings that can prevent cavities (tooth decay) for several years. A sealant can be placed on a tooth that d

Importance of Healthy Diet for Oral Hygiene

  Recent analysis have demonstrated that there is a strong correlation between poor oral hygiene and an Unhealthy diet. Diet and nutrition not only affect the body but also affect the mass of cells in the mouth. Many studies had been conducted to describe the relationship between healthy eating habits and oral health hygiene. Various risky factors have implicated an unhealthy diet and several oral diseases. Regular consumption of junk foods may increase erosion of tooth. The oral cavity also increased due to diet and nutrition. A variety of diet factors influence the oral cavity including macro and micronutrients, ph level and behaviour of consumers. Older patients may lose tooth which decreases a strong desire of eating food. Due to losing a tooth, the older patients may associate with different nutrients changing and causing other problems. A poor diet is significantly associated with the increased number of oral Hygiene. Irregular dietary advice may be linked to inadequate training

The War Between Soda and Teeth

  Most of us know that drinking a large amount of soda and sugary drinks is harmful. Heavy soda consumption is linked to obesity, osteoporosis and diabetes. We want our patients to enjoy strong, healthy teeth for their entire lives. But that does not mean you have to give up soda completely. THE SCIENCE : (SODA V/S TEETH)        When you drink soda, the sugar combines with bacteria in your mouth to form acid, which attacks teeth. Diet or sugar-free soda still contains its own acid, which also can damage teeth. HERE'S WHAT YOU NEED TO BE AWARE OF :       Each acid attack lasts about 20minutes and starts again with every sip of soda you take. Repetitive, ongoing acid attacks weaken tooth enamel. Kids and teens are more susceptible to tooth decay because their tooth enamel isn't fully developed. The 3 types of acids commonly found in soda are : 1) Citric acid: present in citrus flavouring sodas 2) Phosphoric acid: gives flavour to colas 3) Carbonic acid: makes drinks fizzy Here