What are Sealants in dentistry?


Sealants are applied on a child’s chewing surface that supplements protection against tooth decay. They are thin coatings of plastic used to seal the pits and fissures engrained on the chewing surface of the posterior teeth. Hence, sealants are like a fence that will prevent the occurrence of plaque and acids in the biting area.

Many times brushing and flossing are ineffective in deeply cleaning the teeth depressions and groves. The remnants of food particles in the mouth enhances bacteria thereby dissolving enamel covering of the tooth. We suggest applying sealants soon after permanent molar eruption in a child, nearly between 6-12 years of age.

Sealants application doesn’t require injecting general anesthesia. It takes a few minutes per tooth to paint sealants. As per the treatment procedure, our professionals will first thoroughly clean the child’s chewing surface and condition it with a peculiar solution that will bind sealants to the enamel. If required we may use “curing” light to hasten the bond. We use standardized quality sealants that may last for 5-6 years.

To know more click here: https://www.finefeather.in/

Our dentists will put in their optimum efforts to protect your child from gum diseases. However we appreciate some participation from parents where you bring your child to our clinic for sealants examination at regular intervals as a part of our routine check-up. This will let us know if any sealants are to be replaced or not!

Not every child is required to apply sealants. Consult our super-specialized periodontist today to know whether your child needs sealants or not!


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