3 Ways to Fix Crooked and Crowded Teeth


Mal-aligned teeth, crooked teeth or crowded teeth are commonly seen in kids, adults, and old people. When the teeth erupt and grow in a way that they become overlapped, twisted, angled, or rotated, they become crowded, crooked or misaligned. In the upper row, the common signs of crowding are the front teeth, they may be pointed outwards, inwards or rotated. In the lower jaw, overlapped front teeth are extremely common. This crowding of teeth mostly worsens if neglected at a young age.

Let’s understand the common causes, related issues, orthodontic treatment options for fixing misaligned, crowded or crooked teeth.


1. Repetitive behaviours: Sucking on thumb or pacifier, tongue thrusting or mouth breathing 

2. Diet: Excessive consumption of soft and processed food over a long time alters the collective jaw size overall making it smaller

3. Malocclusion: Teeth in both jaws upon closing do not fit properly over each other

4. Genetics: If one or both of the parents have crooked or crowded teeth, the child may also have the same issue.

5. Injury: A forceful blow to the face or mouth can knock the teeth out of place, thus causing maligned teeth.


1. Oral Hygiene: Hard to clean the teeth thoroughly due to which food particles may remain stuck in between the crevices. This may lead to decay and gum diseases.

2.  Self Esteem: Quality of life can be affected as the crooked smile might lower confidence 

3.  Health issues chewing may become difficult which in turn may lead to digestion problems.

4.  Speech Disability: Pronouncing certain letters may be difficult

5. Excessive wear and tear: Extra pressure on teeth, gums and jaw muscles leading to excessive wear and tear. This may result in jaw strain, chronic headaches, cracked teeth or even temporomandibular joint disorder.


1. Dental Braces: Dental Braces are most popular nowadays. There are 3 types are available:

     a) Metal braces: Brackets and wires and are slightly bulky. These are the strongest and best for extremely overcrowded teeth.

     b) Ceramic braces: Are much similar to metal braces, are tooth coloured and hence almost invisible.

     c) Invisalign:  Also known as Clear Aligners. Extremely convenient, comfortable and easy to use and remove. Aligners are the clear plastic trays and help shift the teeth in small increments.

   2.  Veneers: For less crooked and crowded teeth these are more of an aesthetic solution as they don’t actually straighten your teeth but make them appear straight.

   3. Crowns: Involves a lot of tooth restructuring followed by fitting porcelain or metal crown over the top of the teeth. They are the least preferred option.

Many people invest their time and money to fix one crooked tooth, realizing that a straight and bright smile is a short step away. So, visit the nearest best dental clinic to achieve oral health and prevent future issues with your teeth or gums.


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