Do Braces Improve Your Facial Aesthetics?



Incorrect alignment of teeth also known as malocclusion is more frequent than we believe. Malocclusion is a common condition addressed by orthodontists by using braces. Conditions that can be considered to be malocclusion are crowding, spacing large bites and open ones and teeth that are rotated.

Braces are used by Orthodontists to shift teeth to the correct positions and also correct the position.

Did you know that the effects of shifting teeth are not only beneficial to the bite but also improve your appearance and facial beauty? How? Let's learn!

Are Braces able to alter our facial Image?

Although orthodontics corrects your teeth's alignment the facial tissues adjust in your facial skeleton, and intraoral structures, such as your jaws and teeth. Patients who have a good aligned jaw and teeth generally have asymmetric face and smiles. Any problem with the aligning of the teeth and jaws may influence your facial appearance.

Here are some instances of the ways your jaw and teeth align can influence your appearance

  • People who have a forwardly-positioned upper jaw and/or teeth are more likely to have protruding faces. In the majority of instances the lips are narrow and are unable to close the mouth completely.
  • People with a protruding lower lip tend to have a wider smile as well as a retrognathic, or protruding lower third of their face.
  • Teeth that are crowded cause excessive cheek fullness. They give the appearance that something is stuffed into the cheeks.

The treatment of routine dental malalignment by braces may alter your appearance by different ways by Best Dentist in Ahmedabad

  • In cases of mild malocclusion, like small gaps or crowding and facial appearance isn't significantly affected. Braces used in these instances can result in significant changes in alignment and smile, but the changes to facial appearance aren't important.
  • If you are experiencing moderate crowding, braces to improve alignment of teeth can result in a significant or noticeable changes in appearance and make you feel more confident in yourself, as well as improving the efficiency of your movement of your jaw and even your the efficiency of your bite.
  • The most dramatic changes in facial appearance are observed when braces are utilized to treat situations of open bites, deep bite and crowding or underbites.

For instance, the chin is protruding too much when underbite patients have lower teeth overlap with the upper teeth. The correction of this misalignment improves the appearance of your face as the prominent chin decreases and the chin is in harmony with facial features.

The chin can be barely noticeable with severe protrusions, when the upper teeth or jaws are placed forward. The correcting of this malocclusion with braces can increase the prominence of your chin and creates more attractive.

Teeth and jaw aligning at the same time to ensure a proper bite and lessen any stress or injuries on the jaw joint, or TMJ.

Key Takeaway!

A slight misalignment can have a negative impact on the health of your mouth. Jaw alignment and teeth that are in a bad state issues affect your appearance. Whatever the cause of jaw alignment issue, orthodontics help restore the proper alignment between your lower and upper jaws and align your teeth so that they create important facial shape, look and smile adjustments.

We must realize that the more healthy your jaw alignment and teeth the more attractive and appealing your smile and facial features will appear.

If you are unsure or questions regarding 'Do braces alter your appearance or 'How can braces affect your appearance?', make sure you visit your local Fine Feather Dental Clinic which is best dental clinics in mumbai to have consult with an experienced orthodontist from your city!



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