Is Scaling Good For Our Gums And Teeth?

Our oral health is very important, as it affects our ability to eat the various foods we eat. Teeth scaling is a dental procedure that takes care of your teeth. It removes bacteria, plaque and tartar from our teeth.

Gum disease can be caused by bacteria in the mouth. Plaque is a sticky coating that forms on the teeth from bacteria, saliva, and food particles. This plaque forms tartar when it hardens from the deposition of Calcium & Phosphorus ions in Saliva. The only way to remove this hard layer is Teeth scaling. It can only be removed by a Dental Hygienist or Dental Surgeon.

The dentist can remove tartar and calculus from the teeth surfaces by performing prophylaxis (regular dental cleaning). The root of your teeth can also be affected by severe gum disease. As the disease affects the visible portion of your teeth, it also affects the root. This is called Pyorrhoea or Periodontitis in common parlance.

Sometimes tartar buildup can be very difficult and costly to remove. Warm saline rinses or mouthwash rinses 15 days before cleaning are recommended. This will make the gums more resilient and reduce bleeding. It also softens tartar and makes it easier to remove using an ultrasonic scaler.

The dentist will warn patients with mobile teeth and severe green/black deposits that they may lose a tooth during cleanings. There may also be moderate to severe bleeding for the next four to eight hours. To a certain degree, you can rinse with warm saline and take supplementary vitamins (especially vitamin C).

The cost of tooth scaling depends on how severe the plaque and calculus buildup is, as well as the expertise of the dentist who is performing the procedure.

It is easy to neglect oral hygiene and wellness, but it can cause havoc for our mouths and teeth. Therefore, it is important to have a professional cleaning at your Fine Feather dental clinic in gotri baroda, nikol location every six months to ensure your smile and teeth are healthy for the rest of your life.


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