Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth

Dental health and gum health enable you to consume a balanced diet and enjoy delicious food. Many issues can impact the dental health of your mouth and gums, however good dental care will ensure that your gums and teeth remain in good shape as you get older.

Tooth Decay

The teeth are covered with an outer, hard coating known as enamel. Everyday, a thin layer of bacteria called dental plaque is formed over your tooth. The bacteria that make up plaque create acid that can damage enamel and lead to cavities. By flossing and brushing your teeth, you will help to prevent decay. However, when a cavity develops in order to prevent further damage, your dentist needs to fix it using the use of a filling.

Use fluoride toothpaste in order to shield the teeth against decay. If you're at more risk of developing tooth decay (for instance, if you suffer from an gum that is dry due to a health condition or medications you are taking) it is possible that you require more fluoride. The dentist you see or the dental hygiene professional may offer an oral fluoride treatment during your appointment or advise you to apply the fluoride gel and mouth wash at home.

Gum Disease

Gum disease starts when plaque forms in the gum line. Plaque can cause an infection that causes pain to the gums and the bones that keep your teeth. A mild form of gum disease can cause your gums to be red, tender and more likely to leak. The condition, known as gingivitis, is usually corrected by brushing and flossing daily.

A more severe type of gum disease referred to as periodontitis, needs to be addressed by dentist. If not addressed this condition, it can result in bleeding and sore gums, pain in the chewing and even tooth loss.

To avoid gum disease:

  • Make sure to brush your teeth twice a every day using fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss often.
  • Make sure to visit your dentist regularly to have a cleaning and check-up. Inform your dentist of any medical issues you suffer from or medication you take.
  • Take your way to a balanced diet.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking increases the risk of gum disease.

How to clean Your Gums and Teeth

There's a proper method of brushing and flossing your teeth. Every day:

  • Brush your teeth gently on both sides using the soft bristle brush as well as fluoride toothpaste. Change your brush every 3-4 months.
  • Utilize small circular motions as well as shorter back-and forth strokes.
  • Be gentle and careful when brushing along the gum line.
  • Make sure you brush your tongue lightly. You can also employ a tongue scraper ensure that your mouth is free of plaque.
  • Get your teeth clean using flossing with dental floss, flossers that are pre-threaded or a water flosser or another similar product. This helps remove plaque and food debris that a toothbrush cannot reach.
  • Rinse after you floss.

Patients with arthritis or other medical conditions that restrict hand movement may be unable to grip and brush their teeth. A few tips to help include:

  • Make use of a battery-powered or electric toothbrush.
  • Choose a toothbrush with an extra-large handle.
  • Attach the handle of the toothbrush to your hand using an elastic band.

Consult your dentist if you feel that flossing or brushing causes your gums or teeth to bleed or cause pain to your mouth. If you are having trouble flossing or removing floss, a floss holder could aid. Ask your dentist for guidance on how to floss correctly.


Sometimes fake teeth (dentures) are required to replace teeth that have been severely damaged or teeth that have been lost due to gum disease. Partially-dentures can be used to replace the gap left by missing teeth. Dentures can feel odd initially. When you first get them your dentist might want to check in with you frequently to ensure that the dentures are comfortable. As time passes the gums may change in shape and your dentures could require adjustment or replaced. It is important to consult your dentist about the adjustments.

Take care when wearing dentures since it might be more difficult to feel hot food or drinks, or to notice bone fragments in the food you eat. If you are learning how to eat with dentures, it might be simpler if:

  • Start with soft, non-sticky meals.
  • Slice your meal into smaller pieces.
  • You can chew slowly by using both sides of your mouth.

Maintain your dentures in a clean state and free of food that could cause staining and bad breath. Avoid foods with small, crunchy pieces which can become trapped beneath the dentures and cause damage to your gums. Cleanse your dentures daily with an appliance for cleaning dentures, and rinse them in denture-cleansing fluid or water at evening. Be sure to keep them out of your mouth when you rest to prevent swelling of gums.

Dry Mouth

Dry mouth occurs because you lack enough saliva, or spit in order to make sure your mouth stays moist. It can make it difficult to swallow food, eat the food, taste it, and even talk. Dry mouth may increase the chance of teeth decay and fungal infections of the mouth, as well as cavities. A variety of common medications can trigger this issue. For instance, medications for excessive blood pressure depression, high blood pressure, and bladder control problems typically cause dry mouth.

There are some things you could do to help. Consider drinking drinking water or sugar-free drinks. Avoid smoking, the caffeine, alcohol soft drinks, as well as acidic juices of fruit. Avoid foods that are spicy or salty. Sugar-free hard candy or sugarless gum that is a bit tart could be helpful. The dentist or physician may recommend fake saliva for keeping your mouth moist.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer may begin anywhere in the throat or mouth even the tongue. This is especially likely to develop when you are over 40. An annual dental checkup is a great time for your dentist to check for indications for oral cancer. The pain isn't usually an early sign of cancer. The best treatment is prior to the disease spreading. Even if you've lost all of your natural teeth, it is recommended that you continue to visit your dentist on a regular basis for regular dental cancer examinations.

Your chance of developing oral cancer in a variety of ways:

  • Don't use tobacco products like chewing tobacco, cigarettes pipes, snuff, or cigarettes.
  • If you do drink be sure to do it in moderate amounts.
  • Apply lip balm along with sunblock.
  • Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) are still relatively recent, and scientists are still studying their long-term health impacts. But, we know the vapor of e-cigarettes contains cancer-causing chemicals.
All this information is shared by the Fine Feather Dental Clinic which is one of the best dental clinic in narnapura and navrangpura

And you can visit the Fine feather Dental clinic at their address which is 8, Sujay Apartments, 2 – Maneklal Colony, Nr Naranpura cross Rd, Naranpura, Ahmedabad – 380013 or you can call on this number 7874336825


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